Services began July 4th weekend in 1950 in the Rehoboth Beach Community Center. Various pastors from the Southeastern District would come to preach in return for a 2-week vacation at the beach. Sunday School was first held in 1952, and services moved to the American Legion Hall on the corner of King Charles & Laurel Streets in 1957. The first permanent pastor was called in 1959, George Peterson. The average winter service had 25 in attendance, but the summer attendance would swell to 100 or more.

The congregation was formally organized and chartered on February 21, 1961, and services were moved to the VIA Hall on the boardwalk at Grenoble Place. A storm in 1962 damaged the VIA, so services were held in various places until repairs could be made. After Pastor Peterson accepted a call to North Carolina in 1962, the congregation was served by different pastors in the circuit until the congregation called Pastor Otto Spurgat, in 1979. The women’s group, the Sand Dollars was also organized in 1979.

Pastor Spurgat, along with 25 families looked to expand and find a home for LCOS. Land was purchased and building began on the first phase of a permanent facility, located on Bay Vista Road, in 1981. This phase was completed and dedicated on August 22, 1982 at a cost of $143,600. The original part of the building consisted of the sanctuary, a pastor’s office, kitchen, sacristy, two bathrooms and a small narthex. In 1983, a community member donated the parish house to the congregation and it was moved to its current site on Martin Street at the corner of our property.

Pastor Gerald Howland was installed in 1986, after Pastor Spurgat’s retirement. 1990 brought Pastor Thomas Carlson, who served as interim pastor until Pastor Ed Thress was called in 1993. The original building was re-arranged and enlarged in 1995, with the help of Laborers for Christ and many church members, and the interior of the expansion, including the Fellowship Hall was completed by our own members in 1996.

In November 2000, Pastor Don Schaefer was called to serve LCOS. Under his guidance, the congregation has grown, and a further expansion, the education building, was dedicated in 2005. The congregation has experienced many blessings over the years, growing to a current membership of over 400. Pastor Schaefer retired in August 2014. Pastor Paul Schmidt served between 2016 and 2019. Pastor John Greig was installed in January, 2020, and served until August, 2022.

Opportunities for ministry and spiritual growth abound both inside and outside LCOS, including English as a Second Language classes, International Student dinners, Women’s & Men’s groups, and worship & music.
